Chem 550 Lab

Chemical Biology

Research Image Our group has an emerging interest in using chemical tools to probe biological systems, as well as discovering novel therapeutic lead molecules

A representative set of publications is provided below:









Xue, Y., Chao, E., Zuercher, W.J., Willson, T.M., Collins, J.L., and Redinbo, M.R. (2007).
Crystal structure of the PXR-T1317 complex provides a scaffold to examine the potential for receptor antagonism.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 15, 2156-2166.

Wang, H., Huang, H., Li, H., Teotico, D.G., Sinz, M., Baker, S.D., Staudinger, J., Kalpana, G., Redinbo, M.R., and Mani, S. (2007).
Activated PXR is a target for ketoconazole and its analogues.
Clinical Cancer Research, 13, 2488-2495.

Lujan, S.A., Guogas, L.M., Ragonese, H., Matson, S.W., and Redinbo, M.R. (2007).
Disrupting antibiotic resistance propagation by inhibiting the conjugative DNA relaxase.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 104, 12282-12287.